Category Archives: General (almost everything)

Model Rocketry News

I have recently purchased two new Estes model rockets that I have had lots of fun with. One of the ones I got was called the Metalizer. It took me about 5 min. to assemble this rocket, but it has a really cool chrome finish from nosecone to fins. The other one I bought was the Estes Mini Honest John rocket. It was my first skill level 1 rocket and took several hours to assemble and a 2 days to paint. It was based off of a U.S. missile and is my favorite of my rockets. Since I have last posted, and I apologize for the wait, my Metalizer got stuck in a tree, but I do know where it is. My Mini Honest John rocket needs some touching up on the paint and finisher as it landed in a puddle. I will start to try and publish posts more regularly, including rocket reviews.

Until then, don’t anger Big Dragons and don’t blow yourselves up!


Model Rocket News

My model rocket finally came out of the tree a few days ago, during the tropical storm. It was completely soaked with water, and I had to let it dry out. I managed to get the Engine out and launch it again yesterday. The first launch was with an A8-3 engine and went perfect. I then launched it with a C6-5 engine, and we still have no idea where it is. We think it drifted into a strip of woods in the middle of the park, but we really have no idea where it is. I think I’m going to make this “Model Rocket News” a series, but it might not last.


Cool Fact

Everybody here has heard of the Stand of the 300 by the Spartans at the battle of Thermopylae, right? Well, apparently there were 700 other men from this nearby village’s local militia who also stayed, and who has ever heard of them? I guess the Spartans had better PR people (Plato) than those other guys did. I don’t know if anybody cares, but I thought it was cool.  


This is my first post. I will do these whenever I want (or am bored) about whatever I want and will most likely be completely irrelevant to the previous post, so don’t wait around by the seat of you pants for the next post (unless you have no life, or are a zombie, or just weird) .